
h u m z a . n e t


I'm Humza, a computer science graduate and musician. I have experience in many languages, with a focus on JavaScript and web development. I also have an interest in game design, having used both HTML5 and GameMaker Studio. You can find some of my work on this website.


I've been programming for years in a number of languages, including Java, C, C++, Python, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Through my coursework and internship experience, I've worked with operating systems, programming languages, algorithms, database management, machine learning, and more. I'm also familiar with UNIX and a variety of software, including various IDEs and Adobe Photoshop, which I've used for a wide range of design purposes.


Bottoms Up

During my time at NYU, I worked with other students using the Agile methodology to create a web app that permits the creation, posting, sharing, and searching of cocktail recipes, leveraging modern W3 technologies such as Express, React, and Passport.


A tech demo for a 2D JavaScript implementation of Minecraft I built from scratch, I started CanvasCraft 2D as a way for me to familiarze myself with JavaScript's Canvas API.


As a musician, I often find myself needing a way to record ideas I have while on the go — this is where the idea for VioletMIDI was born. It's a portable, lightweight MIDI sequencer that runs on JavaScript.